Friday, August 19, 2011

so my kids aren't perfect

There are a couple of ways to handle situations involving your child throwing a fit or saying something totally inappropriate in the middle of the store. Sometimes it depends on where in the store you are and how important the item you're in there for is.
Obviously, one option is to put down whatever is in your hand, walk away from your buggy (southern for grocery cart, or whatever), grab your child and walk out the door. Another is to turn around, scream/yell, stomp your feet, go on and on about their terrible behavior, in other words, throw your own mommy fit. Or you can just ignore it and pretend it isn't happening, and go about your business.
But me, no, I did neither of these the other night in Walgreens. There we were at the register, Tiernan very upset that I wouldn't buy this little coloring book for him. At that point, he just wanted something, anything. He didn't even care what it was, as long as I bought him something. I told him no for the final time, and he said, "you're the meanest mom ever." ok, no big deal. Kids say it, whatever. I just rolled my eyes and said, "yes, I know, come on" and kept walking up to the register. Then he started going on about how much he hated me. He was rather angry. He didn't say it so loud the entire store could hear him, and he wasn't screaming, crying, throwing a fit. Just telling me he hated me. Loud enough, though, that the cashier and the nosy old lady in front of me could hear him.
Now, I happen to know that Tiernan does not hate me. I don't appreciate him telling me he does, and I don't really approve of it, don't get me wrong. But I'm in the store, I'm not going to make a scene. I just simply looked at him and said, "Tiernan, stop. Right now. Not another word. We will talk in the car" This didn't do a whole lot of good, and he kept his arms folded in front of him and reminded me how he felt about me at that moment. I turned back toward the register and the old lady in front of me could not keep her eyes off of us, mouth gaping. Really, lady? I'm sure her kids never, ever threw fits or said anything wrong, especially not in public. There were a few things I wanted to tell her, but I chose not to. She just kept bringing her grandkids closer to her, and walked, backwards, so as not to miss anything, towards the door. I just rolled my eyes at her, then brought my attention to the cashier.
No "hello" no "how are you" nothing. She would not even make eye contact with me. Just rang up my stuff, didn't even give me a price, and gave my my reciept, without looking at me. Oh come on.
It's not like he was throwing things and on the floor kicking and screaming. But see, the grandmother is the one who really bugged me.
This poor cashier has no children, and at that very moment was telling herself, "my children will NEVER act like that"
That's right, honey, you just keep telling yourself that. But I have news for her, they will. And they will act their worst, at the worst possible time. And at that moment, she will suddenly remember the woman who's son hated her at Walgreens. and she'll think, "oh silly me"

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