Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I can do this

Ok, today I'm still coughing and not feeling great, but I can do this. I know I can. I'll drink lots of water and just take it easy, and it'll be ok!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 1 of week 2

Okay, a little irritated. Not going so well. Partly because I'm not 100% better, so my lungs feel like they may explode and I can't stop coughing. But I just get frustrated at the fact that this workout is not made for ordinary, out of shape people! It's just not. Why don't they have a beginner course that actually shows you HOW to do the things they want you to do 30 of?! grrr....just a little aggrivating. I'm doing my best. Just don't see how much good it can do if A.) I'm not doing it right or B.) I can't even do them all. But I guess some is better than none.
I know that part of it is because I had been going going going then had to just stop, so I have to get back into it. So, we'll see. I'm gonna keep going!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Days 5, 6 and 7....

have not happened. Well, the days themselves have, but not the workout. I have been so miserably sick for the last 3 days. I almost went ahead and did my workout on day 5, but I couldn't do it. Glad I didn't, cuz I have a feeling it would've only made me feel worse. So, I guess tomorrow I will just have to hope I am better and well enough to workout.
Keith also hasn't done his workout. Not sure why, thought ;-)

Friday, February 19, 2010

sleeping in

Yeah right. That'll never happen. Yesterday we were up at 3:30am. Jack was tossing and turning, I couldn't sleep, then I hear Isabelle, "Jackaroonie, why you crying? Mom, Jackaroonie so cute" and so on. So, that was that. I just decided to get out of bed. It was pointless to try to sleep after that, and besides, I didn't want them to wake up the grump! :-)
Somehow they both managed to stay awake for HOURS and not nap til lunchtime. Today we were up at 5am. Same reasons.
One of these days I'm going to sleep in. I don't care what I have to do, but I am sleeping in. Tomorrow, maybe. Yes. I'll just push Keith out of bed, cuz if he thinks he gets to sleep in after I was up 2 very early mornings in a row, well, he better think again or get a hotel room for the night! lol!

Day 4 (yesterday)

yesterday was Day 4 - YOGA!! I was excited, Keith, well, not so much. We put the DVD in, saw it was an hour and a half, which Keith was even more thrilled about! But I wanted to do it, so we did. Or, I did. Keith lasted maybe 15 minutes then decided he was over Yoga. He said it just wasn't for him and wanted to do something else, but despite how hard and sometimes painful it was, it felt soooo good to stretch all those very sore, stiff muscles. And this morning, even though I don't feel well, my body feels better.
I made it an hour and 15 minutes. That's when Jack couldn't take it anymore. I didn't do everything, really, but I tried everything! Some things I did better than others.
Today is legs and back and ab ripper, so, it should be fun. I feel like crap, but I gotta do it. Can't start skipping now, or I'll never make it through the 90 days. And I have summer clothes to fit in to. Pre-Jack summer clothes. Maybe pre-Belle, but that may be pushing it!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"turn off the water!"

"turn off the water! you wasting power!"
what Isabelle says any and everytime there is water running!!

Day 3-after

Ok, wow. I'm exhausted, but in a good way. I feel good. Today was arms and shoulders and so it was all weights/bands and oh it felt sooooo good. Who would've thought I could that so much? I really, truly did. Now, the ab ripper workout after the hour long shoulders and arms workout was freaking killer!!!! But I could most definitely feel it burn, so I know it's working! At least that's my hope! Keith is going to be doing his workout tonight, when he gets home from work. I will keep doing my workouts during the day. I have much more energy than I do at 8 or 9 at night.
Anyway, good workout today. I'm starting to get into it more. I'm liking it more and more each time, although it's still so incredibly intense and a killer and I'm nowhere near where I need to be! haha! I'll get there!

Day 2

Yesterday was day 2 and wow, much more intense. I got home from the library around 5 and found Keith going at it in the living room. He looked like he was going to throw up or fall over dead. or maybe both!! But he did it. He made it through the Plyometrics (?). I, however, went with the Cardio X because I'm following the Lean plan, which is more cardio, since I"m not really all that interested in being bulk and all! :-) But that doesn't mean it's easy. Oh no, not easy. It's just not all the flying around and jumping over things that Keith had to do. But a mix of yoga, and karate, and boxing, and plyometrics, ect, ect. Definitely worked up a sweat.
Unlike yesterday morning, this morning I woke up feeling last night's workout. Wow! But I'm still looking forward to today's. I'm gonna try my best to do it mid morning, instead of late at night. I guess I can stick the little ones back in the hall and work out in the living room. It only took me an hour last night, since I didn't have to deal with any kids.
I'm not feeling great today (sore throat), but I'm gonna do it anyway. Gotta keep going, or what's the point?! I've got to get in that bikini!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

P90X Day 1 with photos (can't believe I'm posting them!)

Well, Keith and I decided to start doing the P90X to get in shape for the summer, because, well, we both seriously need it! lol!
Keith told me on Sunday night that if after 90 days, I wasn't happy with my stomach, he'd see how much it would cost to "fix it." I said, "wow, it bothers you that much?" "No, it doesn't bother me, but I'm not the one who has to walk around in a bikini!" I'm not exactly sure how to take that, but he has a point.
So, yesterday was day one. It's pretty intense! Lots of push ups and pull ups and I have NO upper body strength! My shoulders are sore, but I'm really not as sore as I thought I would be today.
But we still have today's workout to do, and I'm sure that's when it's gonna hit!
We have our day 1 pictures, which I guess I'll post in a little bit. I'm not too crazy about posting how we look right now, but if it helps keep us motivated, I"ll do it!
our stats for now:
Keith: 193lbs
Sarah: 129lbs