Sunday, March 21, 2010

Whoa Whoa Whoa

Wow, I have NOT been doing well with this working out OR blogging. But better with the working out. Even when I don't do the actual DVD, I have been doing some of the stuff just on my own. I've lost 8lbs, AND back in my sz 2 jeans! woohoo! Go me! haha! I can only imagine what would happen if I actually worked out like I should. So, I'm gonna start trying to get back into it.
Anyway, today is a new week, and I think I shall do better at working out!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day, oh I don't know....

I have no idea what day I'm on!! I just decided, screw it, I'm gonna just keep going, doing the next workout, then the next. I believe it would be day 9, not counting the days I slacked off/was sick :-)
Today was legs and back, then ab ripper. My legs are like jelly right now! I could barely do the ab ripper, cuz my legs, BUT I did it, and I did more than last time. It's getting "easier" for sure.
I'm feeling better, so no more excuses. Gotta do it. Keith didn't do his today (hmmm...or yesterday, either). His excuse is yard work, which I suppose works. As long as I keep it up. Gotta prove to him (and myself) that I CAN do this. And I have a little black bikini to get into in just a couple months!