Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Who's your daddy?

Last weekend, Isabelle was with Emma at a birthday party, so the rest of us decided to go out for dinner. We figured we'd go eat at Charanda's and that way Tiernan could see Jairo, too.
We actually had a great dinner. The boys were great, Tiernan got to talk to Jairo, Jairo hung out with us, when he wasn't busy, and talked to us. Then as we were leaving, Tiernan went up front with Jairo.
As I walked up, I hear the 14 year old hooker, I mean, hostess, saying, "no way, that is not your kid!" and Jairo laughing saying, "yeah, he is." Manuel, an old friend who also works there, was trying to convince the girl, who just, omg, couldn't believe Jairo was old enough to have a 9 year old kid. She still wasn't convinced, so with all of us standing up there, she looks at Tiernan and says, "ok, who's your dad?"
Poor Tiernan. He looked back at Keith, looked at Jairo, kept going back and forth between them. You could feel the tension. It was so uncomfortable for everyone there. Jairo laughed and said, "seriously, he is my son." I finally chimed in and said, "yes, that is his son. For real."
And as if she hasn't already proven to us how brilliant she was, she turns to me and asks, "so, who's the baby mama?"
Yeah, those words very seriously left her mouth. I just smiled, said I was, and we left her to think about that for awhile. I'm not sure she's figured it out yet, to be honest.
I asked Keith later if that maybe made him feel a little better, to know that at the very least, Tiernan looked to him first. He told Tiernan it was ok, there really was no right answer in that situation. That was such a tough spot to put him in. Poor girl just had no brains, so couldn't possibly have realized how difficult of a question that is to ask a kid in Tiernan's situation.
Honestly, if you ask Tiernan, he'll tell you he doesn't have a "dad." He has two dad's, Keith and Jairo, but neither are "dad" to him, which has always been such a sad thing, I think. He loves them both, and when not put in the middle of them and asked, he will tell you that Keith is his dad. Usually, he'll throw in that Jairo is, too, it just depends on the situation.
I just hate that, still, Tiernan doesn't feel he really belongs to anyone. I wish I could change that for him, but I can't. I just want him to understand that he belongs to all of us and we all love him and want the best for him and would do anything for him. He will never have to pick, he can have us all!

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