Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm such a terrible blogger. I just don't do it. I can post stuff on FB all day long, but this? Can't seem to do it. Let me just catch you up on what's going on here in the Elliott house - -NADA! Well, that's when it comes to working out! ha! We've just accepted the fact that we are not in shape and it's cool, really. Not really. We're just lazy. Every now and then I pull out a P90X dvd and do a workout, and feel like I may die! I bet it would help if I did it more than once a month.
As for the kids, well, Tiernan turned 8 years old yesterday and I'm not sure how that happened. Has it really been 8 years since I gave birth to him? So hard to believe, yet it feels like another lifetime ago. He was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen, truly. And he's still the most incredibly good looking kid I know. Wish his attitude was as good as his looks, but hey, I guess a bad attitude sometimes just makes him normal, which trust me, is a good thing. We worry about him sometimes!! lol!
Isabelle is the sassiest 3 year old I know. Oh she's gonna be trouble. She's something else. She comes up with the most interesting stories and excuses. Oh but she is trouble. While Tiernan couldn't tell a lie to save his life (going as far as to tell the people in his school that his parents do drugs, aka drink wine and smoke cigarettes [well, that's all Keith there]), Isabelle is one heck of a "storyteller." Yes, she will look you straight in the face and tell you she didn't do something, while holding the evidence in her hands! "Isabelle, did you climb on your dresser to get that cd?" "no, I didn't!" (cd in hand). "You didn't climb, Belle?" "nope!" "How'd you get that cd?" "I.....just, um, did" "but you didn't climb?" "no, I didn't" she's something, I tell you. And she's very cunning. You can just see those wheels turning at all times, thinking of what to say next to get her what she wants!! At least we know she's a smart one!
Jack is getting too old! 20 months, still only 4 teeth (with 5 cutting through all at once now!). He still speaks his own little language, although he is saying more and more these days. He was actually singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Except you hear Jack language, with the occasional "stah" "ah" "high" "sty" hehe! he's my sweet sweet boy. He loves to cuddle and give kisses and sometimes hit, but that's ok. He's all boy, yet loves to wear Isabelle's pink shoes and tutu! haha!! Of course, Keith loves coming home to find his youngest son all decked out in Belle's pink clothes and purses, pushing around a pink stroller. It's all good. I hear Keith used to do the same thing :-)
He's still a scrawny little thing, but he's healthy, and that is all that matters!
So, that's our life right now. They most definitely keep me entertained, that is for sure! I love them and couldn't ask for 3 better little ones to keep me busy!

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