Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a 5 year old could do better...

In most marriages, at least from most tv shows I've seen, the woman is constantly correcting the husband's fashion mistakes. Or picking out his clothes so he doesn't make a mistake. Or buying his clothes. Or at least weighing in on his choices. But not in my family. That really doesn't happen at all. Not that I haven't been known to make a very, horrible fashion faux pas a time or two. Cuz I have worn some things that make me shudder when looking at pictures of myself. I usually just use the same excuse of, "well, no one looked good in those days," meaning the 90's, early 2000's, even if the picture I"m looking at of myself is clearly from a year or two ago....
No, in my family, if anyone is correcting the other, or shopping for the other, it would be my husband. Not because I have no fashion sense, he just can make decisions and go clothes shopping without having a meltdown. That's key.
I was never a fabulous dresser. I never really could afford it and I came from a set of parents who, well, had no fashion sense. No offense to them, but my dad would wear a Hawaiian shirt every single days (100% cotton only, of course), and my mom, well, she wears comfortable. They didn't have the time to be "fashionable" and that was never really instilled in us to "keep up with the times." Yes, they wanted us to look nice, but we had to make do with hand-me-downs, so their version of nice was usually much different than most.
But anyway, I do know what looks good. I know what I like to wear. I tend to like the more Bohemian aka hippie look, but Keith isn't always a huge fan of hippies, and since he can buy clothes without tears, I usually don't buy what I feel most comfortable in. Not that I don't like what he picks out. Or that I can't make any decisions at all. I can say "yes" or "no" through the tears, but,'s just easier letting him do it.
Now, where was this all going...oh, yes. So tonight, we were packing for our trip to Asheville/Knoxville, and the kids are going to my parents and Keith's parents, so it's a lot. I'm just not very good at that. I'm doing really well to dress myself on a daily basis, and dress each child. I'm doing well to remember to put my shoes on. And I'm supposed to pack 4 days worth of clothing, shoes, school stuff, toothbrushes, ect for 4 people (Keith packs for himself in under 5 minutes...and still looks good)?! I had 5 different projects going on when Keith got home, and was a complete mess. And, like a child, had to be sat down, told to calm down, and had to have him basically pick out my outfits. Then I'd say, well, wait, I wear this every day. I forgot that I could still wear my every day clothing. But this whole dressing for more than one day at a time had me all screwed up!
I would make a list, but halfway through it I'd get distracted, and would start making a next week's menu, then would be reminded of doctor's appointments and jump up to do something with that, then would see something laying on the floor that would remind me of something else...
Simply put, I may be 30, and I could definitely live on my own and take care of myself if I had to, but prefer to have someone with a more sane mind do the thinking and make the decisions around here.

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